Parliament presidents' conference ends without agreement

The Conference of Parliament Presidents, chaired by Parliament President Nikos Voutsis, ended one more session without reaching an agreement on the new board of the TV regulator on Monday (31/10/2016), as the candidates didn’t achieve the 4/5 majority needed during the vote.
Parliament presidents' conference ends without agreement

Earlier, Voutsis had agreed to change the candidates for the positions of president and vice-president of the National Council for Radio and Television (NCRTV), proposing Rodolfos Moronis instead of Vyron Polydoras and Nikos Kiaos instead of Vasilis Moulopoulos for the respective positions, following a request by the Democratic Coalition and Potami.

During the vote, 16 lawmakers voted in favour of the new board (SYRIZA, Potami, Democratic Coalition), six MPs voted “present” (New Democracy and the Communist Party), one voted “No” (Centrists’ Union MP Marios Georgiadis) and one MP was absent (Golden Dawn’s MP Christos Pappas).

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