ND's Koumoutsakos: Turkey's behaviour is dangerous and unacceptable

New Democracy shadow foreign minister described as "dangerous" and "unacceptable" the statements coming from Ankara regarding the islets of Imia, saying the National Council on Foreign Policy must convene to discuss the issue.

ND's Koumoutsakos: Turkey's behaviour is dangerous and unacceptable

“Turkey's unacceptable, provocative and dangerous unlawful behavior cannot be handled with shallow gimmicks and personal vendettas,” Giorgos Koumoutsakos said in a statement. “It must be handled with seriousness, sobriety, decisiveness and a plan. With coordinated diplomatic action and operational competence,” he added, and called for a meeting of the Foreign Policy Council, as well as an immediate campaign to inform NATO, the EU and the UN on Turkey’s “dangerous behavior”.

Koumoutsakos also urged Defence Minister Panos Kammenos to lower his tone and leave statements on Turkey to the Foreign Ministry.

“An advice to the government: In such crucial times, only the foreign ministry should talk. The Defence minister’s duty is [to ensure] operational competence, not loud talk,” he said.

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