Mitsotakis: Government is bringing the fourth bailout

Τhe government is bringing the fourth bailout for Greece by legislating new measures in advance, New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in an interview with private TV station ANT1 on Wednesday (01/02/2017) night.

“By voting for new measures, it is bringing the fourth bailout. They are committing the country beyond the current memorandum. This is a new memorandum,” he said, adding his party will vote down the measures in parliament.

Mitsotakis said the government should have closed the program review a year ago saying the country has a very “tight scope” and risks losing its inclusion in the European central Bank’s (ECB) quantitative easing program.

“The government cannot lead the country out of the crisis. This is why we are asking for elections. I disconnect them from the review,” he added, saying the new measures will add an extra economic weight on the people.

Asked about the criticism leveled against him by the government about his contacts in Berlin, he said he “wears the shirt of the national team” abroad and added: “I rejected any talk on Grexit; I clarified that this issue cannot be brought up every now and then, I requested that we are included into quantitative easing,” he said and acknowledged that creditors’ demand for Greece to maintain high primary surpluses for a decade is extreme.

Source: ana-mpa

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