Government and institutions seek to reach a compromise at the Eurogroup

Greece and the creditors will meet on Monday (20/03/2017) in an effort to find a solution to pending issues. If they manage to reach a mutual compromise, they will pave the way for the conclusion of the second programme review as soon as possible.

Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos is expected to meet with the heads of the institutions before Monday's Eurogroup meeting. The Greek side hopes for a positive statement of the progress made that will give the green light for the institutions' return to Athens. The next target is a staff level agreement at the Eurogroup to be held in Malta on April 7.

It seems that convergence has been achieved on the extrajudicial settlement mechanism, the 2018 fiscal figures and the new deregulation fund.

Disagreements remain on labour issues (mass layoffs, collective agreement), the tax free threshold, relief measures, pension and energy issues.

Source: ana-mpa

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