Tsipras: Democracy and solidarity is the only way to the future

"The 21st of April 1967 is the day when democracy was abolished in our country and political freedoms were completely suppressed.

It took seven years of struggle to restore parliamentarianism and pave the way for the consolidation of Democracy in our country. It took even more years to put aside the civil warfare that some have recently discovered to serve their political interests," Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Friday said on the occasion of the 50 years since the coup d'état.

"Today we pay tribute to those who have contributed to the anti-dictatorship struggle. But we must also be vigilant, as the multi-faceted political and economic crisis in Europe brings back the danger of a serious backwardness, both for the democratic acquis and for the guaranteed individual and social rights. The anniversary of April 21 should remind us that the only way to the future, both in Greece and in Europe, is the road of democracy and solidarity," he added.

Source: ana-mpa

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