Suspect in terror letter-bombs case remanded over second set of charges

An examining magistrate on Friday issued a second decision remanding suspected terrorist Constantinos Yiagtzoglou in custody.

The order was issued in connection with a second set of charges against the 29-year-old for the possession of weapons and other items found on him at the time of his arrest.

Greek authorities arrested Yiagtzoglou on October 28, linking him to the booby-trapped letters that seriously injured former Greek premier Lucas Papademos and others intercepted at a Hellenic Post sorting office and were addressed to European officials.

In testimony on Friday, the 29-year-old denied constructing the letter bombs and claimed that he was transporting the weapons found on him in an attempt to extricate himself from criminal action. His lawyer said that he would contest the second decision to remand in custody, since it essentially concerned the same case.

Source: ana-mpa

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