Guards outside PASOK's offices were target of gun attack

The riot police guards stationed outside the offices of PASOK party on Charilaou Trikoupi Street were the target of the gun attack on Monday evening, police said.

According to initial evidence, three bullets were found at the point were the shooting happened, with police saying they came from a large weapon, probably a Kalashnikov.

Police says the guard saw the gunman pointing towards him from the corner of Zoodohou Pigis and Andrea Metaxa Streets and shouted to his colleagues to take cover. One of the bullets hit the wall of s tore next door. Officials said it was “pure luck” that there were no victims, noting that there might have been a second man with him.

The attacker then fled the scene. Authorities have cordoned off the area and launched a large police operation to find the suspects.

An anti-terror police team along with a team from the Directorate for Criminal Investigations are on site, collecting evidence, CCTV footage and information.

Alternate Citizens Protection minister Nikos Toskas and the head of Greece’s Police Lieutenant General Konstantinos Tsouvalas are flying back to Athens from Crete tonight, where they were attending a police event.

Source: ana-mpa

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