Athens, Brussels and Washington 'met' in Davos on Greek debt

Having achieved the Greek mission's goals, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras concluded his visit to Davos on Thursday.

After the timely conclusion of the third programme review, the Eurogroup's approval and the meetings with EU Commissioner Pierre Moscovici and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, the discussion on the "next day" for the Greek economy have begun, as Greece moves toward an exit the third programme in August 2018. An important factor that will determine the post-memorandum era is the specification of the medium-term measures on debt.

Washington, Brussels and Athens reaffirmed the goal of promoting the Greek debt settlement. Through the prime minister's bilateral contacts, the key targets were reaffirmed: completing the debate on the Greek debt settlement and defining the last steps before the country exits the markets.

Lagarde welcomed the timely conclusion of the third programme review in her meeting with Tsipras and, according to the prime minister's press office, they agreed to speed up the staff level discussions for a successful conclusion of the third programme review next August, as well as for measures to ease the Greek debt, which need to be concluded before the end of the programme.

"We agreed to work together toward the shared goals of completing reforms and securing debt relief from Greece's European partners, which are essential for sustainable growth," Lagarde posted on Twitter.

On his part, Moscovici said that that Greece and its partners are working so that Greece may wrap up the adjustment programme in the summer of 2018.

Source: amna-mpa

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