Safer Internet Day celebrated on Tuesday

The safe and positive use of digital technology is at the heart of Safer Internet Day organised on Tuesday by Insafe/INHOPE, with the support of the European Commission.

Safer Internet Day celebrated on Tuesday

Safer Internet Day is held each year on the second day of the second week of the second month, with thousands of people participating in events and actions worldwide that aim to raise awareness about internet security issues. The aim of Safer Internet Day is not just to create a safer internet but also a better internet where everyone can use technology responsibly, with respect, critical thinking and creativity.

The goal is to attract children and young people, parents and guardians, teachers, educators and social workers, as well as the industry, decision-makers and politicians, to encourage everyone to play their part in creating a better internet.

In statements to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency, the coordinator of the Information & Awareness Action Dr. Veronica Samara, pointed out: "Secure Internet Day! I am very proud that the idea I proposed to the European Commission in 2002 to establish the celebration of such a day is celebrated today for the 15th consecutive year in 130 countries all over the world."

She added: "Today, I would like to share the following, very simple, but in my view very important keys for safe use of the Internet:

1. We always protect personal data, ours and that of others

2. We behave to everyone on the Internet as we would like them to behave towards us

3. We treat the Internet as a tool (with instructions for use) rather than a toy

And we always remember that the best filter to protect us is our mind, that is our critical thinking. So let's make every day, a Safe Internet Day."

The celebration of Safer Internet Day in Greece involves an event at the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in Athens with the participation of representatives of the state, the Internet industry, the academic community, teachers and students at all levels of education.

Source: amna-mpa

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