New Democracy criticises government on its stance regarding Skopje issue

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) harshly criticised the government on Wednesday of being ready to make important concessions on national issues in order to remain in power.

New Democracy criticises government on its stance regarding Skopje issue

New Democracy underlined that the concessions of "Macedonian nationality" and "Macedonian language" are not acceptable.

"The solution must be uniform, comprehensive and include three elements: Change of the Skopje Constitution, removal of each irredentist element, and a name for all uses inside and outside the Skopje borders. The assignment of 'Macedonian nationality' and 'Macedonian language' is not acceptable."

ND explicitly warned Alexis Tsipras that "he has no political legitimacy to bind our country to an international agreement that would harm national interests."

Source: amna-mpa

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