June 21 Eurogroup to decide on medium-term measures to ease Greece's debt, sources say

The Eurogroup Working Group (EWG) has taken the first steps to prepare the decision for Greece's exit from the programme but medium-term measures for easing Greece's debt will be decided by euro area finance ministers at the June 21 Eurogroup, EU sources said to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA) on Friday.

During a meeting of the EWG in Paris on Thursday, representatives of the 19 ministers prepared a draft analysis of the sustainability of Greek debt, taking into account the versions of proposals that exist, but also the limitations set by the Eurogroup in its decisions in 2016 and 2017. The same sources said to the ANA that the aim is to agree on a "credible and workable solution" for Greece, something which is perfectly possible to achieve by June 21.

Regarding the post-programme period, the EWG accepted the institution's proposal for "enhanced cooperation", a tool that, as pointed out by a European source, is part of the rules of economic governance.

On the fourth programme review, the institutions expressed the conviction that Greece will complete all the prior actions in time, so as to ensure a clean exit, the sources said.

Regarding the disbursement of the one billion euro sub-tranche, an European Stability Mechanism (ESM) spokesman said that the meeting has been postponed until next week, instead of Friday, in order to take the decision. The sub-tranche is associated with two prerequisites: the operation of e-auctions and the clearance of arrears by the Greek government.

Source: amna-mpa

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