Tsipras: SYRIZA calling all progressives to unite against rise of far right in European election

SYRIZA will issue an invitation to all progressive forces, groups and individuals to form a wide front againt the extreme right, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Tuesday after the meeting of the party's political secretariat.

He said that the purpose of the most inclusive possible front would work to obstruct the rise of the far right in European Parliament elections in May, and in sweeping across the continent.

"The invitation is sincere and is addressed to everyone that defines himself or herself as belonging to the progressive side, and who recognise as a great challence of this era the interception of the rise of the extreme right on European level, and the confrontation of neoliberal choices and policies," Tsipras said in response to a question on whether the leaders of KINAL, Fofi Gennimata and Potami, Stavros Theodorakis respectively would be able to respond to the call.

Asked to comment on whether he would call snap elections in May, he said the only elections are the European Parliament's and Greek local government's, falling on May 26.

Source: ANA