Greek budget shows primary surplus of 729 mln euros in Jan.

In January 2019, the Greek state budget recorded a primary surplus of 729 million euros, compared to an expected deficit target of 103 million euros. The same month in 2018 recorded a primary surplus of 1,797 million euros, according to the Financial Ministry.

The amount results from the execution of the budget, which during January showed a general government deficit of 442 million euros compared to a deficit of 1.183 billion euros that had been foreseen in the introductory report for the budget of 2019 for January 2019, and a surplus of 1.562 billion euros for January 2018.

During this month, state budget's net revenues amounted to 4.107 billion euros, a drop of 26 million euros or 0.6 pct in relation to the target in the introductory report for the budget of 2019.

The revenues of the state budget totalled 4.350 billion euros, lower by 61 million euros (or 1.4 pct) compared to the target.

Source: ANA