on the Strongyli island

The Isle of Strongyli has been for some time in the spotlight, after the revelation of for the ban to spread the Greek flag over a slope of the island, after the command of Venizelos.




The fact came to light, after the first Mass held on the island to honor St. Nicholas on the occasion of the build of chapel which is dedicated to Him, as you will see in our exclusive photos, as was there...

The news sparked fierce reactions, since the event, until the day of the revelation of Newsbomb, had been known only to the residents of Kastellorizo.
We visited the island at a critical period, in which the government and the ministry of Foreign Affairs ordered to ban any visit to the island, except than the army.
There was also an express prohibition to raise the Greek flag, donated by the Holy Metropolis of Mesogea and Lavreotiki, on a slope of the Greek island, not to rise up the Turks ... neighbors, as they said those responsible.

As, if the neighbors they had a similar incident to celebrate, would think us accordingly or they would ask for our permission, as it is very likely that we have done ourselves.

The small church of St. Nicholas was built with money, which the Metropolitan of Mesogea and Lavreotiki Mr. Nicholaos, made sure to collect from donors, and the first celebration would had took place on the day of Inauguration.

That day would be the most brilliant for Kastellorizo and Strongyli, but it had been "bombed", according to reports, from a single phone call.
The arrival of ministers in the island of Strongyli, which was scheduled, was canceled while the people who had gathered to attend, beg the army to transfer them, to no avail. The mandate was explicit; the event should not take political dimensions, nor, especially, to gain publicity through the promotion in our national television networks.

Strongyli is ten minutes from Kastellorizo and yet ... The residents could not be found in this piece of Greek land, in their home, without knowing why.
The army froze when heard the command of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. While he had prepared vessels to transport people to the Strongyli for free, had prepared the crowbars to spread the Greek flag over the slope, had ordered printed shirts with Strongyli as souvenirs for the people that would go to worship Saint Nicholas, all were canceled. Within minutes. With a phone call from Athens ...

This is why the soldiers had no courage, the next day, to look the inhabitants of Kastellorizo in the eyes.

What would they tell them?

"We had prepared a ceremony with pride for our Greek souls and yours; for you who keep Greece alive and eventually some people had 'bombed' our stubbornness?" ...

What would they tell them?

"We built the church of St. Nicholas along with engineers, we placed flagpoles, asked the church to help us in our work, in order to celebrate on our Greek islet and then they had forbid us to do so?"

What would they tell them?

"We were not able to give you such a joy to get to the island, in a national exaltation's moment; you, who hold Kastellorizo and Strongyli still Greek, with your presence".
"Our heart was beating loud and almost explode when we heard this command from the officials, ... 'no citizen in the Strongyli, not flags and celebrations'?"
"We cried out of our frustration, because suddenly we did not know why they tore down what we built. How could we justify their decision, by saying to the world that this is a military decision?"

But presents today exclusively a small video snapshot and photographs from that day in Strongyli, with army men to chant and to recite the national anthem on the island and with few people present, not from Kastellorizo, but those who had the national sensitivity to give money to build this church, and keep the "seal" of orthodoxy at Strongyli.

You will see small flags, because they were allowed to hold only small flags that day. The large flag that would be waved and looked up towards the neighboring Turkey was never placed and now the army is trying to place it at least somewhere in Kastellorizo.

The metropolitan of Mesogea and Lavreotiki, Nicholaos, supported the idea to build the church on the island Strongyli and cared for it financially. But he lived the degradation of the Greek state, which kept once again low profile policy so as not to cause the Turks, while the Turks are approaching us boldly every day and reach even to the ... Sounion.

Maybe in the future we will see something that would not want anyone to see as possible, for the small Greek island.

Although the Metropolitan was bland to the interview that gave us for this article, his words hide many messages. They hide the excitement of a patriot, an excitement that should have those who govern us, but conceals a polite bitterness when said "perhaps they had some reason and they had not wanted this celebration ...".

And one last thing that perhaps says a lot...
The General of Kastellorizo guild resigned recently ... We cite this information without further comment.

But we emphasize that he is not the only general who is forced to resign after such manipulations of the government and we will come back with a detailed report.

Soon will show, through the BOMB TV, a video travelogue of our whole mission on the island of Strongyli and on Kastellorizo, where you will see with your own eyes the hard, anti-national reality experienced by residents from their own nation.

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