A Shameless demand by Merkel to the Greek Minister!

Further to the armament systems and Siemens, the Germans want to unconditionally own Greek public health, too

A Shameless demand by Merkel to the Greek Minister!

Until today our creditors and of course Merkel demanded the reduction of our salaries, our pensions, our allowances, the number of the civil servants, etc. As if this wasn’t enough, yesterday chancellor Merkel actually demanded from the Greek Minister to also reduce the life expectancy of the Greek people.

After Merkel’s visit, the plan of the Germans is now crystal clear. It is not enough that they make so much money out of our armament systems, in an era that we do not have enough money for our food. It is not good enough for them that we gave an indulgence to Siemens, a scandal of millions of euros, that were actually taken by the Greek taxpayers, now they also want our Public Health. Merkel’s plan is simple. She wants to give the Greek market to the German pharmaceutical industry as a gift. Therefore she demanded from Antonis Samaras to apply a new prescription system, based on the active ingredient, without mentioning the brand of the medicine, despite the fact that the ministry, doctors and all parties involved are opposite to such a practice as it will have fatal consequences:

International studies have indicated that in all countries where this system was applied, the life expectancy was reduced as the only criteria for the choice of medicine becomes its very low price and the quality is completely neglected. As a result, the Greek pharmacies will be flooded by the cheap, anonymous generics, produced by the multinationals (especially the German ones) at third world countries. It has been proved numerous times in the past that we are talking about medicine that either does not cure, or produces dangerous side effects. A characteristic example, is the antidepressant generic of the Israeli Teva, which just a few days ago, was withdrawn from the US market, since it went so far, as to cause even suicidal tendencies as a side-effect, amongst others!

20,000 Greek families will be made abundant. If Merkel’s way is adopted, the Greek branded medicine, with its high quality standards, will not be able to compete with the anonymous generics produced by the multinationals in the Third World. The Greek pharmaceutical industries will close down (a sector only recently considered as the rising star of the Greek economy by an international study) and thus the 20,000 families that are occupied in the area will be left without work. As a result:

  1. The Greek Public Sector will have to bear the cost of hundreds of millions of euros. Thousands of unemployment allowances, as well as the loss of the tax revenues, since the specific sector will no longer exist, will burden the budget, at the same time that the country is in desperate need of revenues.
  2. The pharmaceutical expenditure will finally increase. As soon as the multinationals totally prevail in the Greek market, the prices of the low quality anonymous generics, will be soared and in the end, the Greek public Sector will be paying more, while the alleged initial goal was the reduction of the expenditures.

After our living standards and dignity have been taken, now Merkel is asking from Samaras for our lives. There is no Greek Minister that will sign this monstrosity!

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