The anonymous generics are dangerous…says your Welt Ms Merkel!

The dangers hidden in the cheap, anonymous generics are revealed by the German newspaper «Die Welt». The Germans themselves admit that the medicine Merkel wants to feed us is dangerous for our health!

As has already revealed, the German chancellor wants to impose the model of cheap, anonymous and of unknown quality generics produced in the Third world (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) on the Greek Prime Minister. Merkel insists, in spite the fact that even German newspapers stress that these medicine may bring along significant problems to the public health. In other words, Chancellor Merkel does not hesitate to unleash a disaster upon a whole nation, in order to ensure millions of Euros of profit for the German pharmaceutical industry.

Specifically the newspaper «Die Welt» presents a study on the anonymous generic medicine that are sold in the German market, their side effects and the hidden dangers. A German citizen may pay for these medicine even a third of the price of the original branded medicine, or of an approved generic, however he must be aware that he is taking a huge risk, says the newspaper, as often they do not cure the illness for which they are prescribed or cause dangerous side-effects.

The anonymous generics are cheaper and may flood the market, as they are produced at a very low cost in countries of the Third World. This means that –contrary to the branded generics- high quality standards are not adopted, that the necessary tests are not performed and that they are produced by non trained personnel. Moreover, in case of allergies the patient must be really careful, as in the case of an anonymous generic, it is possible for the human body to not be able to adjust.