Athens Newspaper Headlines (19/09/2019)

The Thursday edition of Athens' dailies at a glance

DIΜΟΚRΑΤΙΑ: The two case files for Novartis

ΕLEFTHEROS TYPOS: The traps of the land registry

EFIMERIDA TON SYNTAKTON: The 'frame job' and the scandal

ΤΑ ΝΕΑ: NOVARTIS. The prosecution was planned

KATHIMERINI: Rasputin under the microscope

RIZOSPASTIS: Invitation to rallies at Tritsis Park

AVGHI: They are staging a "frame job" to hide the scandal

ΤΟ PΟΝΤΙΚΙ: Generous amid luck of evidence

ΝΑFTEMPORIKI: The former Elliniko airport is a Greek issue

Source: ana-mpa

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