Athens Polytechnic opens its gates for uprising anniversary events

The celebration marking the anniversary of the November 17 student uprising at the Athens Polytechnic in 1973 officially kicked off on Friday.

The gates of the National Metsovian Polytechnic were opened at 9:30 and will stay open for the public until 21:00 on both Friday and Saturday.

Traffic in roads around the Polytechnic and up until Kannigos Square will be diverted on Friday and Saturday, while more extensive traffic measures will be taken for the main march to the U.S. Embassy on Sunday.

On Sunday, the Polytechnic will be open to the public between 9:30 and 13:00, when all visitors will be asked to leave. The march to the U.S. Embassy is scheduled to begin at 16:00.

Traffic measures in central Athens will start at noon on Sunday and gradually extend to roads surrounding the route of the march on Patission, Stadiou, Vassilisis Sofias and Alexandras Avenue.

The police will be on standby throughout the next three days and are planning exceptionally tight security measures involving 5,000 personnel, drones and a police helicopter.

Source: ana-mpa