PM Mitsotakis on policy program: We set the foundations for great changes that need to go forward

Greece has finally completed a multiyear cycle of lies, negativity, and toxicity, with the years 2019-2023 serving as a bridge for a new era, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in Parliament on Thursday, speaking of his government's policy program for the second term.

PM Mitsotakis on policy program: We set the foundations for great changes that need to go forward

Greece has finally completed a multiyear cycle of lies, negativity, and toxicity, with the years 2019-2023 serving as a bridge for a new era, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in Parliament on Thursday, speaking of his government's policy program for the second term.

"We kept society going and at the same time fulfilled all our campaign promises," he told a plenary session that will culminate in a vote of confidence of Saturday night. "Citizens rewarded us and asked us to go ahead with great changes. We do not have - I do not have - the right to disprove their expectations." The first four-year term of New Democracy set the foundations for deeper reforms that will take place in the second term, he said, supported by the clear mandate of voters on the June 25 elections for speedier reforms.

Mitsotakis said his New Democracy government's program was already known, reiterating the overall priorities for the next four years as achieving investment-grade status by the end of the year, repaying the outstanding debt of the first loan memorandum, achieving "logical primary surpluses," reducing public debt as a ratio to GDP much below 140% by 2027, reducing unemployment to 8% within the next four years, raising exports as a ratio to 60% of GDP, and reducing inequalities by permanent support measures and targeted initiatives when necessary.

"All these will be included in the first draft law to be tabled by the government and voted on by the end of this month," (July), Mitsotakis said. The first term in government laid the foundation for the achievement of the second one, and a lot needs to be done, he said, adding that "everyone has to share in the national wealth."

The PM also outlined the New Democracy's program, already known since his first term, noting the five-part approach: a productive Greece (including wage increases for the public sector and lower taxes); social Greece (including education, health and social coherence); green and digital Greece (upgrading government digital services and expanding digitization); just Greece (a faster turnaround of trials); and strong Greece (including national defense).

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