PASOK spokesperson: Parade of ND candidates does not absolve government's inefficiency

Opposition PASOK-KINAL spokesperson Thanassis Glavinas, in an interview with ANT1 TV on Tuesday, accused the government of "irresponsibility and laxity" in handling the wildfires, while noting that "the parade of New Democracy (ND) candidates [for the municipal and regional elections] does not absolve of responsibilites for the management of the crises and does not erase the fact that there was inefficiency and inertia".

PASOK spokesperson: Parade of ND candidates does not absolve government's inefficiency

Referring to what happened at the 111 Combat Wing in Magnesia during the fire in Nea Anchialos, he noted that "Greek citizens have endured great sacrifices and deprivations from the social state so as to have a strong and reliable national defence and armed forces. The blow to their reliability and prestige, with all that happened, is not something that easily goes away and there are grave responsibilities."

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