Health Minister Chrysochoidis announces launch of medicine supply application

Health Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis referred to what he called a global problem of medicine shortages, while speaking on Skai TV on Monday.

Health Minister Chrysochoidis announces launch of medicine supply application

Health Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis referred to what he called a global problem of medicine shortages, while speaking on Skai TV on Monday.

He said that "Greece has the privilege of having the fewest drug shortages" as many generic drugs were produced in the country. He noted that "30% to 35% of these drugs, the generics, are available in the country," but admitted that shortages of essential drugs mainly needed by children and the elderly continued.

In fact, he pointed out that there were already three decisions prohibiting parallel exports and stressed that "we do not play around with these issues, as for us the health of the citizens comes first." He announced that measures will be taken if there is a company that carries out parallel exports when there are shortages. The health minister also announced that in four weeks there will be an application through which doctors and citizens will be able to know in real time which medicines are in short supply from their mobile phones.

In reply to a question about the fear of a health crisis in the areas affected by the floods in Thessaly, Chrysochoidis said: "We must be constantly vigilant, because we do not know where this overall situation will lead."

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