PM Mitsotakis discusses business challenges, funding for Thessaly reconstruction with SEV

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis met with members of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) executive committee at Maximos Mansion on Tuesday.

PM Mitsotakis discusses business challenges, funding for Thessaly reconstruction with SEV

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis met with members of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) executive committee at Maximos Mansion on Tuesday.

According to government sources, they discussed the Greek economy's strong development trajectory, but also the challenges faced by private entrepreneurship, labor market growth prospects, the creation and staffing of well-paid jobs, training the workforce in high-level skills, possibilities for attracting more investments, and strategic goals such as the green transition. They also discussed the challenges arising from the inflationary pressures recorded across Europe.

The two sides also discussed the possibility that the private sector contributes to the restoration of the flood-stricken areas in Thessaly, central Greece. The premier and the federation reportedly agreed that SEV's member companies could undertake the repair, reconstruction and substantial upgrading of damaged school complexes, and contribute to the state fund through which the restoration of damaged houses is financed.

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