Hospitalizations up, intubations & deaths due to SARS-CoV-2 down in October 16-22

Hospitalizations were up, while intubations and deaths due to SARS-CoV-2 over the week of October 16-22 were down compared to the previous week, according to the weekly report by the National Public Health Organisation (EODY), published on Thursday.

Hospitalizations up, intubations & deaths due to SARS-CoV-2 down in October 16-22

Hospital admissions for coronavirus (1,065) increased last week and also spiked 12% overall compared to the average weekly rate for admissions during the last four weeks.

Meanwhile, the number of new intubations (20) in the week of October 16-22 decreased compared to the previous week and also in comparison to the average of new intubations in the last four weeks (21).

At present, 56 people are intubated with Covid-19 in Greek hospitals, while another 50 died. The median age of those who died was 87 (age range: 52-99).

Weekly sampling of virus loads in urban waste in Greece showed a rise in SARS-CoV-2 in 1 of 9 regions checked.

In terms of influenza (flu), there was no case requiring admission to intensive care units (ICUs), or any new death reported, during the week of October 16-22.

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