The new budget boosts citizens' disposable income, PM Mitsotakis says in weekly review

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in his weekly review on Sunday pointed out that it coincides with the conclusion of the debate on the state budget for 2024.

As he said "the new budget really boosts citizens' disposable income, enhances social cohesion, reduces inequalities and improves the competitiveness of the Greek economy."

He also referred to the additional actions announced to deal with fan violence. He explained that they aim at the core of the problem. More specifically, they aim to free sports from this problem, from the murderous behavior of criminal organizations and the tolerance of a small minority of fans. "Some of you reading these lines - especially those fans who have purchased season tickets - may be skeptical. I want you to know that I understand your anger and disbelief. But I also want to assure you that no matter how difficult the task may seem, we will continue the fight to put an end to the unacceptable phenomenon of thousands of sports fans paying for the criminal behavior of sick minorities who sometimes target citizens and sometimes police officers," the prime minister emphasized.

He then referred to the railway connection on the central Athens-Thessaloniki axis, which had been interrupted due to the disasters caused by the storms "Daniel" and "Elias", stressing that within the first months of 2024, work will also begin on the "definitive restoration of both the main axis as well as the two other railway sections, Larissa-Volos and Paleofarsalo-Kalambaka, but also the tourist line of Pelion."

The next issue that the Prime Minister pointed was the fact that the European Commission officially assured that the government plan for the "revival" of the long-suffering shipyards by transferring them to ONEX is approved, a project agreed upon by the shipyard workers themselves, banking institutions and the Greek government."

The prime minister made a special reference to Greece's first place for the second consecutive year in Category "A" of the International Maritime Organization for the provision of shipping services, which, as he pointed out, is not accidental.