Kasselakis: 11 priorities of the SYRIZA programme

He listed 11 key changes-priorities that are part of the overall plan

"It is our duty to be the voice of society," SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis said on Sunday during the meeting of the parliamentary group, strongly criticizing the government's policy and the Budget which is "part of the problem", as "it does not deal with the problem of high prices, does not protect workers, does not support the middle class, but instead burdens them with more taxes."

Kasselakis stressed that "the role of the Left, the progressive faction, is to replace fear, to bring hope, to replace insecurity with real security, to replace resignation with the interest of the citizen, to replace anger, to bring confidence to a progressive political plan that will change our lives."

The leader of the main opposition underlined that the country needs structural reconstruction, noting the necessity for a "clear plan, with progressive content". He listed 11 key changes-priorities that are part of the overall plan that SYRIZA is working on:

1. Building a healthy labour market, with wages and rights that will allow a decent living, that will allow young people to stay in their country. With an increase in the minimum wage to 900 euros.

2. Clear, stable tax framework.

3. Redistributing the resources of the Recovery and Resilience Facility to small and medium-sized enterprises, "the vast majority of which do not have access to bank loans and many of them are suffocating from debt."

4. Implementation of a fair and inclusive green transition, "that will not leave behind thousands of helpless unemployed citizens."

5. Effective housing program.

6. Tackling the excessive private debt, protection of the primary residence.

7. Strong social state, practical support of the Public Health System. Emphasis on adequate funding, quality and extroversion of education, and research.

8. Creating conditions for attracting direct foreign investment, which will have added value for the national economy.

9. Restoring the rule of law and ensuring the operation of the state with transparency, emphasizing the real digitization of its services and not the creation of additional digital bureaucracy.

10. Improvement of the judicial system. "We don't deserve to be in position 27."

11. Bring to the fore again as the main opposition and soon as a government the need to exercise an active multidimensional foreign policy.