Sdoukou: Market Correction Mechanism protects the citizens from possible manipulation of gas rates

The Market Correction Mechanism protects the EU citizens from possible manipulation of the natural gas rates" underlined Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy Alexandra Sdoukou addressing EU Energy Ministers Council meeting on Tuesday in Brussels.

Sdoukou also underlined that the Market Correction Mechanism was a substantial tool against the energy crisis as it sent a clear message to the market while in parallel it continues to operate a safety net, protecting the citizens from a mid-term manipulation of the natural gas market.

Additionally, Sdoukou co-signed the Wind Charter that marks a common and coordinated effort for the improvement of the favourable conditions for the European Wind industry. She also co-signed the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition aiming at the facilitation of the mobilisation of private funding and at the best possible use of the combination of public and private funds to the sector of energy efficiency.