Passenger traffic at Athens International Airport set new record in 2023

Passenger traffic at the Athens International Airport set a new all-time record in 2023, totaling 28,174,150 passengers, breaking the 28 million passengers barrier for the first time and leaving behind the previous record of 25.57 million of 2019.

Passenger traffic at the Athens International Airport set a new all-time record in 2023, totaling 28,174,150 passengers, breaking the 28 million passengers barrier for the first time and leaving behind the previous record of 25.57 million of 2019.

Passenger traffic in December was 1.86 million, up 17.1% from 2022 and up 13.6% from 2019. Both domestic and international traffic exceeded 2022 levels by 11.9% and 19.4%, respectively, while in comparison with 2019, domestic and international traffic were 20.8% and 10.7% up.

Passenger traffic in 2023 was up 24% from 2022 and 10.2% from 2019. Domestic traffic was up 18.9% from 2022 and international traffic was up 26.4% over the same period, while in comparison with 2019 domestic and international traffic wre up 13.3% and 8.8%, respectively.

The number of flightls totaled 241,604 in 2023, up 13.2% from 2022 and 7.1% from 2019. Both domestic and international flights rose 7.4% and 18.1% respectively compared with 2022 and rose by 10.5% and 4.6%, respectively, compared with 2019.