Meeting with PM did not address all farmers' demands, say farmers' representatives

Not all the demands made by farmers were satisfied at the meeting with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said the president of the Larisa Agricultural Associations Federation, Rizos Maroudas, after a meeting of protesting farmers' representatives with the prime minister at the Maximos Mansion on Tuesday.

Meeting with PM did not address all farmers' demands, say farmers' representatives

Not all the demands made by farmers were satisfied at the meeting with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said the president of the Larisa Agricultural Associations Federation, Rizos Maroudas, after a meeting of protesting farmers' representatives with the prime minister at the Maximos Mansion on Tuesday.

"We believe that the struggle must continue in order to satisfy our demands to the greatest degree," he noted, among others.

He said the next step will be to return to the highway blockades and brief the farmers on what had been discussed.

The secretary of the Panhellenic Coordination Committee for Farmers and Livestock Breeders, Yiannis Panagis, said the discussion had been "constructive and substantive".

"In a negotiation, you win some but we have no margins for losses," he commented, adding: "There were promises but the replies will be given by the farmers."

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