Putin 'drags' the West

In panic mode, USA and EU threaten Russia with economic sanctions forgetting that that the country is a energy giant.

Putin 'drags' the West

The European Union and United States are puzzling with the situation in Ukraine, as the Russian president seems unyielding. With his strategic moves, he has managed to "expose" his opponents and prove that they don't have a diplomatic plan, while no one has settled on a solution for all sides to talk and find a peaceful solution. The EU demonstrated a nonexistent stance and seems unable to manage such situations, as U.S. rushed to threaten Russia with economic sanctions, like were a protectorate of the West. They all seem to forget that Russia is the biggest energy giant.

Apparently, they are also forgetting that Russia as a nuclear power, a country with veto power in the Security Council of the United Nations and an indispensable energy supplier, so it does not fit into this category of countries that act like ... Uncle Sam. Sanctions against Russia could cost them, because if Moscow closed the faucets of natural gas, many other European countries will suffer.

It is no coincidence that the newspaper General Anzeiger of Bonn argues that Putin ridiculed everyone. "President Obama, Chancellor Merkel, NATO and especially Catherine Ashton, who in the last 5 years tried to shape the foreign policy of the EU" wrote a newspaper columnist. "Putin pulls everyone in the global arena from the nose. From Washington to Brussels, advisers whisper that nothing will happen with military means. Anyone who wants to negotiate with Russia, should have an army in his rear. If it they don't, they have to consider that Moscow is facing the Kremlin leaders as equal partners".

Not accidentally, the labeling of British Independent writes that if Western politicians really want to help Ukraine, they should forget Crimea and financially support the Ukrainians. "Without investments and with the risk of increase the price of gas, if the Russians stop the flow, the Ukrainians will fall... the only hope is that negotiations of West with Moscow and Kiev for the reconstruction of Ukraine . One wrong move, or a false statement could be fatal".

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