“Our kids won’t participate in the national exams”

The mayor of Fournon Korseon talked to newsbomb.gr about the school closures.

“Our kids won’t participate in the national exams”

A tragic situation is taking place in his municipal, as students, parents and community leaders are struggling to ensure proper education for the kids! The schools opened just after Christmas...

The Mayor Yiannis Marousis analyzed the situation in the student community of the island to newsbomb.gr commenting on the inability of the Ministry of Education to fill the positions of teachers required by the High School of the island. He said: "our school has 47 students. At the moment, the teachers are 15, so we don't have an issue. All positions have been filled. The past week we covered one more gap, as a teacher of economics arrived".

Asked about the issues that were created, the mayor replied: "With their new legislation, five teachers left and only one was recruited. Things become even more difficult. But who decides that? Our island is a barren line, so the teachers themselves don't want to work here. Many prefer Samos, because it's easier to travel there and it has better living conditions".

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Who can play with the future of our children" They have the right to education

The debate reached the issue of the national exams and at this point Marousis was indignant with the treatment of his island against his "children". He said: "We are left to the mercy of God. Who could deny our children from the right to be educated? Five graduate students already withdrew. Three went to Samos and the other two to Piraeus. We currently have four children left, who are trying to fight for their future, but seem unable to take part in national exams as the year started in Christmas. These gaps can't be replenished".

Asked about his reaction, if the next school year starts with the same problem, the mayor replied: "I hope everything goes smoothly. We have a committee that will go to the Ministry in order to mention our problems and propose solutions. It's an issue that puzzles us for years".

A few days ago, Marousis intervened by phone in a newscast, where he complained about the problems in his island. He stated that "the Ministry says that they were unaware of the gaps in our school. Then that they answered to requests from the parents and guardians", while appearing very concerned, both for the future of the students and for the future of the island saying that: "I'll make a prediction. The school will close and everyone will leave the island".

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