Government general secretary, Baltakos resigned over

Government general secretary, Panagiotis Baltakos resigned over today after the illegally release of the video that shows him talking with Ilias Kasidiaris.

Government general secretary, Baltakos resigned over

The video shows Takis Baltakos stating that there was no evidence to substantiate the crackdown on the ultranationalist party, which followed the murder of rapper Pavlos Fyssas by a Golden Dawn member.

"Everything that has been said by me was because I wanted to get rid of the pressure of Golden Dawn's members who accused me that I have participated in a conspiracy against them." Takis Baltakos said.

After that Panagiotis Baltakos resigned and apologized for any incovenience.

"Due to the noise created and for reasons of personal touchiness I submitted my resignation and I apologize for any inconvenience" he stressed.

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