Students' party gone wild! 100 arrests

Dozens of people were injured, among them 6 policemen and more than 100 people were arrested after violent incidents broke out at a party near the University of California at Santa Barbara.
Students' party gone wild! 100 arrests

All started around 9.30 pm, when some of the 15,000 people who were gathered in the outdoor party "Deltopia" in the coastal community of Isla Vista – which is located next to the University of Santa Barbara – began to throw stones and bottles towards the police.

When one of the police officers received a backpack with bottles in his face, police officers "answered" throwing tear gas and fire foam to the crowd.

Within few minutes hundreds of students began firing stones and bricks against police, injuring at least five of them. All of them are hospitalized, while their situation is stable.

According to police statement, more than 100 people were arrested during the party, 18 of them for making noise, while at least 44 were hospitalized.

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