

Students' party gone wild! 100 arrests

Students' party gone wild! 100 arrests

ENGLISH NEWS · 07.04.2014 - 12:00
Dozens of people were injured, among them 6 policemen and more than 100 people were arrested after violent incidents broke out at a party near…
Students confronted Adonis Georgiadis in London (video)

Students confronted Adonis Georgiadis in London (video)

ENGLISH NEWS · 17.03.2014 - 16:35
Adonis Gerogiadis' speech at Imperial College in London was unpredictable.
School allows students to have cigarette breaks

School allows students to have cigarette breaks

ENGLISH NEWS · 07.03.2014 - 23:35
The headmistress of a school for pupils with extreme behavioural and emotional problems has been critised for allowing children as young as 14 to take…
Greek “eternal students” facing the risk of erasure

Greek “eternal students” facing the risk of erasure

ENGLISH NEWS · 06.03.2014 - 08:30
Greece's Ministry of Education has given a deadline of June to 180,000 students because, as of this year, all Greek universities and technological educational institutes…
Two years in jail the teacher who put students to slap their classmate

Two years in jail the teacher who put students to slap their classmate

ENGLISH NEWS · 28.02.2014 - 13:10
In two years of jail with suspension, was sentenced the teacher who told students to slap their 8 years old classmate in a school in…
Students ate chocolates... with alcohol

Students ate chocolates... with alcohol

ENGLISH NEWS · 23.02.2014 - 09:30
Mom sent to school chocolates filled with alcohol.
Kefalonia: Students back to schools

Kefalonia: Students back to schools

ENGLISH NEWS · 18.02.2014 - 19:01
Students in Kefalonia returned back to schools after three weeks as all the schools reopened.
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