VIANEX: "The success story is written by Extraversion, Innovation and Quality"

Business opening in the large and extremely important China market, by the pharmaceutical VIANEX SA, via its participation in the "Annual meeting of the New Champions - World Economic Forum", held recently in Tianjin, China.

VIANEX: "The success story is written by Extraversion, Innovation and Quality"

Head of delegation of VIANEX at this year's forum was the Vice President and Deputy CEO, Mr. Dimitris Giannakopoulos, which was accompanied by Mrs. Evi Vallianatou head of new product development, Mrs. L. Xenitos responsible of export department and Mr. Harris Rousanoglou, head of the department to develop new products.

The leading Greek pharmaceutical industry VIANEX SA - which was the only Greek company in the industry at the meeting - has joined forces with the company of strategic business initiatives and actions «Introducing Leaders» as a strategic sponsorship partner of the Greek mission to the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

More specifically, the annual meeting is held annually with the aim to bring together innovative companies, multinational companies, government representatives, and distinguished academics from around the world. At this year's Forum was attended by approximately 2,000 representatives from more than 90 countries by focusing on the ways with whom we can leverage Innovation to yield optimal results.

"In the presence of VIANEX at this critical meeting in China, we found that the business community worldwide now recognizes the significant progress made in the Greek economy, but also the many new opportunities for partnerships with companies in our country" says the Vice President and Deputy CEO of the pharmaceutical industry, Mr. D. Giannakopoulos and adds: "the central theme of discussions and meetings at the Forum moved around the major structural reforms for the development of all economies, not only for the countries of the European South but on a global scale, while particularly underlining the growing importance of geopolitical factors in the international economic relations. During the Forum, and in the margins of the meeting, representatives of VIANEX SA had the opportunity to describe the full spread of business activities of the pharmaceutical industry that employs more than 1,100 employees, covering a wide range of reliable, innovative and high-quality medicines. In fact, was stressed in particular the need for investment in quality which is the word - 'key' to attract investment in both the pharmaceutical industry and the economy of Greece, on the whole."

As part of its participation of VIANEX in the Global Forum, the Vice and Deputy Managing Director, of the pharmaceutical company, Mr. D. Giannakopoulos gave an interview to the magazine of the company of strategic business initiatives and actions «Introducing Leaders» with special reference to Greek delegation, entitled "The New Greece Gateway to Europe".
More specifically, Mr. D. Giannakopoulos in two-page interview entitled "Quality - the key to the success of VIANEX SA", reported extensively in the recipe for success of the pharmaceutical industry in its 90-year course, which is summarized in the "triangle" Vision-Devotion-Strenuous job.

Mr. Giannakopoulos noted that the company covers a full range of pharmaceutical products and is ready to expand into foreign markets, such as China. "Our strategic goal is to constantly invest in quality, which is not only a model of management but rather the guideline of our value system in VIANEX. We make a difference in the pharmaceutical industry in Greece thanks to the unmatched quality of our products", added Mr. Giannakopoulos pointing emphatically that "it's time for the company to show its extroverted face and spread its wings in the big market of China and not only there."

During the interview, the Vice of VIANEX took the opportunity to emphasize that the economic crisis in Greece was accompanied with several opportunities, such as the outbreak of the Chinese investment interest in Greek market. Indeed, he expressed the view that if our country focuses on its roots and heritage, will be able to strengthen the brand "Greece" both as a market and as an investment destination. "We need to remind people of the history of Greece and its cultural heritage," said Mr. Giannakopoulos and added that the success of the expansion of VIANEX in mature markets is guaranteed by its experience of all these years, by the parchments in strategic planning and by the tradition of the integrated and long-term collaborations with international pharmaceutical companies. "If the commercial ties with China will further be tighten", he concluded, "this will be done on a base of common starting points because of the long history of both countries."

Furthermore Mr. Giannakopoulos referred to the introduction of the basketball team Panathinaikos to the basketball fans in China, pointing out the first participation of a Chinese player in the Euroleague. Finally, extensive reference was made to the DPG, a pioneer company in the field of online media.

At the meeting, representatives of VIANEX had the opportunity to come together and exchange views with senior executives of large enterprises in China, Europe and the Middle East. Examples include the meeting with Mr. Fahd A. Al. Rasheed, CEO of the economic center of the King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, whose central desire is the creation of an entire city, - which will be completed by 2020 -, with a colossal investment of 86 billion dollars including, inter alia, pharmaceutical factory, pharmaceutical wholesaler and pharmacies.

VIANEX representatives also met Mr. Gabriele Castaldi, Chairman of the Board Chamber of Commerce of the European Union to China and Mr. Stefan Doboczky, Board member of the company Royal DSM, which operates in many markets such as pharmaceutical, in the branch of medical products and dietary supplements. Finally, it should be mentioned, the encounter with Mr. Wang YiZheng, President and CEO of the company Fujia Group, who is among the 330 richest people in China. Indeed, the journey was completed with the commitment of Mr. Wang, that he will directly visit Greece and especially VIANEX during his next travels in Europe.

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