Blackmailing dilemmas in the 3rd vote, from Samaras


Blackmailing dilemmas in the 3rd vote, from Samaras

Given the today's (23.12.2014) result after his statement at the end of the procedure, Antonis Samaras gave a taste of his plan.
"Everyone should assume the burden of his vote, and the burden of his responsibilities," he said, wanting to give a dramatic tone to the proceedings.
After the announcements of the results, there was a contact between Venizelos - Samaras, in which Deputy Prime reportedly said: "We must find another "initiative", otherwise we proceed to elections."

More or less, the outcome of the second vote to elect the President of the Republic was expected, from the government and the opposition. Besides, after the change of course of some independent MPs and of the two independent MPs which derived from the Golden Dawn (Boukouras, Alexopoulos), the "168" was considered almost a given.

Of course, according to information, the government and especially the staff of Ant. Samaras, were expecting "170" positive votes, because they hoped that they would had on their side the two dissidents of DIMAR, Niki Founda, (who became independent) and Thomas Psiras, (who is expected to become independent).
But still, even the government admits that the "168" is not a starting point for the presidential election because it is too difficult (almost impossible) to gather 12 MPs needed, based on current data.

As they say, "there are no more safety pads, we can expect, at the very most, 3-4 deputies, so ...".
An executive of the government said in, that now the government theoretically could hoped:
- In the change of attitude of the two independent MPs, which are coming from the center-right, V. Kapernaros and V. Polydoras, although V. Polidoras has categorically said that "I will vote "no" even if take place thirteen votes."
- The change of attitude of Niki Founda and Thomas Psiras.
- In some additional votes from the ANEL and DIMAR.

But, the executive of the government admits, even in the most optimistic scenario "we cannot hope for more than 174 votes and I repeat, in the most optimistic case."

Always according the same person, they will exercise heavy pressure in the MPs of DIMAR and ANEL, but the expected results are meager ...
Unless ...
Unless, they announce a new "brave" initiative, which could topple the data and the correlations.

But what could it be?

Because Samaras continues to reject categorically a government of special purpose .

But only such an initiative would be able to lead some Members to change their vote and allow the expectation of the "180".
However, perfectly valid information of persist, that V. Venizelos in communication he had with the Prime Minister immediately after the voting, noted that "We need another initiative, in order to have hope!"

Now, what Mr. Venizelos means with the words "another initiative", is something that we will know in the coming days.
It is perfectly sure that Venizelos, at all costs, will try to avoid early elections.
And that means a lot.

Even for the government's cohesion, since his partner Ant. Samaras will insist to continue to deny the "great initiative."

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