Alexis Tsipras: This is how i will govern the country!

With a number of rules and commitments (apply to all party members) Alexis Tsipras and the leadership of SYRIZA put a barrier to those who felt that the prestige of authority are more important of the principles and values of the left and SYRIZA.

By Kostas Tsitounas

In the convention of the party, which took place last Saturday, January 3, 2015, the president of SYRIZA revealed enough about the issue of governance, putting an end to those who thought that SYRIZA will become Pool of Siloam for those who need a party in order to be candidates in the elections.
The message of Tsipras for "sweeping changes in Public Administration", which was send to the party and in every direction, of course, is clear: Those who began to think themselves as ministers, must forget it ...

The president of SYRIZA said that he will give an end to the mistakes of the recent years in public administration and he will send home all those parasitic consultants in order to minimize the financial expenses of the public sector.
The idlers personnel of the ministries, the governors of agencies who are appointed by the political parties and the general managers without responsibilities with astronomical salaries, will be immediately dismissed.

SYRIZA asserts that unlike the memorandum policy, of ND, PASOK and the Troika, which is obsessed with horizontal cuts and the attacks on public employees, the Koumoundourou intends to address the real problems of public administration, with respect for the civil servants and to put an end to the practices of widespread corruption, of mismanagement and of lack of coordination and planning, by consolidating the control mechanisms that guarantee observance of the law, both within the state and the market.

The most important interventions of SYRIZA are:

Ten member cabinet
Changing of the structure of government (by merging ministries, abolish of government institutions), to improve coordination and planning of the reconstruction. SYRIZA believes that ten ministries are enough. SYRIZA wants a collective and effective government.
Abolition of the numerous governmental Bodies that serve as nurseries of corruption and diffusion of political responsibility. Maintenance of Government Commission for the coordination of government policy.

Relief of the public sector by the armies of the Directors and promote of recruitment of Ministers Office, Secretaries General and Governors from the ranks of civil servants.

Abolition of the memorandum's legislation for the disciplinary law of civil servants

Abolition of the institution of availability under the mobility for the personnel allocation between departments and ministries.
Restoration of those who have been unconstitutionally dismissed.

Abolition of the unconstitutional law for the assessment of civil servants. The evaluation of staff and services will be based on objective indicators.
At the same time, except for interventions to reduce bureaucracy and corruption in the public, is very important that all the control mechanisms of the Ministry of Finance will go to the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister's office, in order not to serve the interests of various factors!
Fighting of the corruption

The triangle of the relationship between political parties - economic oligarchy / owners Media and Banks, will break.
SYRIZA's plans for the political parties:

Reform the context of bank lending to the parties by establishing maximum borrowing limit, prohibition of long-term debt and general ban on lending more than a small part of state funding.

To promote full control and transparency of the finances of the parties.

For the Media:
It triggers the provisions of the law, which:
(a) enable the Bank of Greece or the competent prosecuting authorities to carry out checks on the origin of the funding of media enterprises,
(b) apply to all public limited companies and predict that a loss-making business can not operate indefinitely without recapitalizing.
Launches from scratch, a competition for the operating permits of the Media..
At the same, Alexis Tsipras lays a Code of Conduct for MPs and candidates, disappointing those who felt that a SYRIZA government would give them the right to operate and move close to the boundaries of promiscuity.
These rules are:
1. The election campaign of SYRIZA is collective and determined by the party's central organs. No candidate may follow tactics that are contrary to these decisions or to show behavior that bring him oppose to other candidates of SYRIZA.
2. a) All Members elected by the ballot of SYRIZA are politically and ethical committed that the seat belongs to the party and not to them.
b) All Members are obliged to respect the collective decisions of party Bodies.
c) All Members are bound by the Rules of the Group, as described in Article 10 of the Rules, according to which "all members of the Parliamentary Group of SYRIZA (whether they are members of SYRIZA or not) are bound by this Regulation."
d) The resignation of all MPs is available to the party. The party can demand the resignation of a Member, by decision of the central bodies (Central Committee etc), in the following cases:
i. When refusing to implement collective binding decisions of party bodies.
ii. When refusing to implement collective binding decisions of the Parliamentary Group, as described in Article 3, par. 3 of the Rules of the P.G.
iii. When charged with a serious criminal or economic offense or an act of great social worthlessness contrary to the principles and values of the Left, and the explanation of his / her judged inadequate by the bodies of the party.
iv. When his / hers public behavior affects the validity of the party and the dignity of the members and voters.
Obviously, the free expression of personal opinion is an inalienable right and is not limited in any case as provided by the statutes of the party.
To request the Member's resignation must be voted by 50% + 1 of all members of the appropriate body.
3. With regard to the permanent benefits and facilities in the parliamentary term:
a) All the Members of SYRIZA and their associates are subject to salary rules set by the party and described in Article 29 of the Statute or in transitional decisions by the bodies of the party.
b) SYRIZA will propose to Parliament new comprehensive legislation on the issue of immunity. In any case, the use of the right of immunity from SYRIZA MPs, is subject to the approval of the Political Secretariat or the Parliamentary Group of the party. All Members are obliged to resign from the use of the right of immunity in cases where the request for abrogation of immunity is not linked to political acts or with acts relating to the exercise of the work of the MP.
c) As regards the other parliamentary services and benefits (car, etc.), the MP must use them to contribute as much as possible in the collective functioning of the party.
Especially on cars, SYRIZA believes that in every case, and without suffering or reduce the possibility of an MP to perform his duties, must be selected solutions at the lowest possible cost to the state budget and friendly to the environment.
4. Financial Transparency
The Occupying of each candidate, the exact financial situation and any significant change must be open to the party if required.
It can not in any way to take place a direct or indirect personal finance to a candidate MP of SYRIZA, for the election campaign or for any reason. Any financial contribution is part of the overall economic campaign of the party and is subject to the rules of the party.
The MPs of SYRIZA are bound not to take administrative, executive or decisive role in private enterprises, companies, etc. related to the State or to any aspect of their subject of interest as parliamentarians, for ten years from the end of their term.
5. Candidates
The prerequisites for joining at SYRIZA's electoral lists are:
a) To put a complete and accurate CV under the approval of the central bodies of the party.
b) To not be accused for serious criminal offenses.
c) To not be checked for serious financial matters or, if so, to have given an adequate explanation in the party's Secretariat.
d) To accept by signature and unreservedly the Code of Ethics and Rules of the Parliamentary Group as a whole.
e) In case that the candidate have served in public office or elected office, to inform the party in detail and accurately for his assets and Occupying.
f) If a Secretary of Prefectural Committee or a member of Organization wants to be a candidate in the elections, his responsibilities are suspended until the elections. The suspension shall begin when decide the central bodies of the party and in any case no later than the announcement of elections.
6. Public presence
The presence of candidates and MPs in the media, is specified in a binding way by the decisions of party bodies and apply strictly to all, whether they are party members or not.
7.The Ethics Code is binding document for the candidates and the MPs. It applies for all who belong to these categories, whether they are party members or not, and the acceptance of the Code is a necessary condition for someone in order to be accepted in these categories.
The basic principles of this Code of Conduct apply also to individuals who (under the proposal of SYRIZA) can be deployed in public administration and the state apparatus. For this case will be drawn a corresponding Code of Conduct.
The general principles of the relation between party - state - government are described in Article 27 of the Statute and will be specialized in further decisions of party's bodies.
8. Ethics Committee

By decision of the Central Committee, as defined by the third transitional provision of the Statute, an ethics committee is constituted by members who are not candidates in the elections. The Ethics Committee monitors the compliance with the Code of Conduct by all, has jurisdiction to rule on the cases and must regularly or extraordinarily whenever necessary, to inform and to advise the Secretariat and the CC the party.

The compliance with the Code of Conduct by all the candidates and of the bodies of the party is a prerequisite for a party such as SYRIZA. This party is moving always in accordance with the values and principles of the Left, contrary to the sick political system of selfishness, of intertwined interests and corruption.