Election polls: The... experts were dashed once again

By Markos MouzakisAn unlikely and totally provocative political-communicative tide was taking place, all previous days, from the mainstream media and the "Kalashnikovs" of misinformation.

Election polls: The... experts were dashed once again

On the occasion of the founding of the party of GAP the regime propaganda was arguing that KIDISO will take from SYRIZA around 3-4 percentage units (!) and that this will not only deprive the chance of government formation from Tsipras, but that may cost him the first place in the upcoming election!

Hordes of misinformation, hours of political analysis, orgy of propaganda...

Then came a poll by GPO for MEGA Channel (which is not friendly to SYRIZA) and showed that KIDISO receives "crumbs" from SYRIZA and basically gets its votes from PASOK and Potami!

Newsbomb.gr (which does not take orders from the regime) had already informed you about this.

In particular, according to the GPO, the percentage of KIDISO derived (from voters for the European elections) by 12.3% from PASOK, by 7.1% from Potami and only by 1.5% from SYRIZA.

Ie based on the percentage given by the company to the party of GAP, KIDISO gets ... just 0.38 points from the percentage that SYRIZA had received in the European elections!

Where is the ... 3% and 4%?

Lost in counting of the black governmental propaganda and speculation!

Of course this finding will harm GAP.

Because, if indeed the party of GAP would undermine Tsipras then would become the darling of the pro-government media.

While now, that is basically proven that it takes votes from Venizelos and River, will "bury" him, will impose an embargo, will wipe him out!

In the first findings in the poll of GPO for MEGA, we see that SYRIZA maintain the lead, although the difference seems to decrease, while the smaller parties appear to be squeezed by the strong polarization of the first two parties.

SYRIZA: 28.5%

ND: 25.3%

Potami: 5.8%

KKE: 5.7%


PASOK: 5.0%

ANEL: 2.7%

KIDISO: 2.6%

LAOS: 2.0%


Other Party: 2.0%

Invalid, White: 0.9%

Undecided: 13.1%

17.5% of respondents said they are not sure now, on who will they vote for and 13.5% say that they will decide in the last week or the last day before the elections, something which indicates the fluidity of the political scene.

Antonis Samaras is regarded as appropriate Prime Minister since gathers 40.3%, while Alexis Tsipras receives 34.9%. The 23.5% of respondents answered "neither".

When asked if they believe that our country should remain at all costs in the Eurozone, 75.7% of respondents answered: positively (yes, and probably yes) and 22.3% of respondents answered negatively (not, probably not). 2% answered: Do not know / No answer.

On the same question, the voters of ND responded positively (yes and probably yes) at a rate of 95.2% and negatively (not probably not) to 4.4%, while voters of SYRIZA responded positively (yes and probably yes) 66% and negatively (not, probably not) to 30%.
When asked if they believe that the risk of Greece to exit the eurozone is finally in the past, the majority of respondents, 59.2% answered negatively (not, probably not). For the 35.4% of respondents the risk has finally passed, while 5.4 answered "do not know / No answer".

When asked "what do you think that the next government should do in relation to the debt?" The respondents answered:

To proceed to new negotiations and a new agreement: 53.7%

To proceed to unilaterally cancelation of the debt: 20.5%

To request an extension of the current agreement: 12.6%

To seek a loan from other countries: 7.1%

Do not know / No answer 6.1%

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