Greek gov't seeks to implement prior actions, Alexiadis says

The Greek government seeks to implement all prior actions needed to complete a progress report on the Greek economy with the institutions, paving the way for the disbursement of the next loan installment and the recapitalization of Greek banks, Alternate Finance Minister Tryfon Alexiadis said on Tuesday (27/10).

Greek gov't seeks to implement prior actions, Alexiadis says

Speaking in Kavala, representing the government for the October 28th celebrations, Alexiadis referred to the "immigration" of Greek enterprises in Bulgaria, saying that solutions must be found within the European Union and noted that creation of a special tax zone in the country's northern borders could offer a permanent solution to the problem.

The Greek minister stressed that combating tax evasion was a top priority for the government and announced that tax offices will gradually "close" from mid-2016 to allow a larger number of tax employees to focus on tax inspections.

Alexiadis said that a special property tax will change in 2016 based on commercial property values, although the goal for revenues from the property tax will remain at 2.6 billion euros annually.

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