State Minister Pappas: Government's intentions are crystal clear

Minister of State Nikos Pappas referred to all the crucial issues in an interview late Thursday (28/07/2016) with the public broadcaster ERT.

State Minister Pappas: Government's intentions are crystal clear

Pappas called the result of September's general elections a rift to the political life in Greece noting that the mandate was exploited to the full by the government.

On labour issues and the trade unions law, he said that the government is optimistic that things will move towards the right direction for the country and the economy's benefit.

He sternly rejected main opposition New Democracy's (ND) accusations on government's initiative to bring the proportional representation in parliament noting that the government did it at a politically neutral time, three years before the next general elections.

Referring to the constitutional review and the Presidential elections, he said that the people understand that the government's proposals would make democracy more functional and prevent extremities in relation with the political selections. On the President's election

from the people, he noted that we must find a way the parliament not to be dissolved adding that the matter of the President's responsibilities is open and all the political parties will have the opportunity to state their opinion".

On the referendums on popular initiative, he said that a sincere discussion should be conducted adding that "our position is that the people should be able to call a referendum" adding that this would change the way the citizen sees politics and its participation in it.

Asked on the IMF after admitting again the mistakes in the Greek programme, Pappas said that the Fund is in the Greek programme because others asked for it stressing that the government's position is that EU can deal with the crisis with its own tools. He also noted that the government's intentions are crystal clear as well as its decision to respect its agreements.

On Bank of Greece governor Yiannis Stournaras' relations with the government, Pappas said that he is the central banker and the central bank is autonomous. "Our cooperation with Stournaras has much room for improvement" he said.

Asked on the latest developments in Turkey, he called them painful noting that the neighbouring country got in the range of destabilisation something that highlights Greece's role as pole of stability in the wider region.

On the repercussions on the refugees’ issue, he noted that Greece has dealt with it successfully. All parts have shown that those agreed are followed adding that Greece is in alertness and in contact with its European partners to make sure that the agreements are respected.

On the TV licences, he said "We are within the timelines and the tender will be held before the end of August".

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