There will be no measures for 2017 and 2018, Alternate Defence Min Vitsas says

There will be no measures for 2017 and 2018, Alternate Defence Minister Dimitris Vitsas on Tuesday said in an interview with Skai TV.

There will be no measures for 2017 and 2018, Alternate Defence Min Vitsas says

Vitsas outlined the next steps: the technical staff will agree on the technical issues of the programme review, which is not a difficult task as most of the difficulties have been overcome since last November, the medium-term measures on the debt will be determined, Greece will participate in the ECB's quantitative easing programme, the tranche of July 2017 will be disbursed and the foundations for growth will be laid.

Vitsas also confirmed that that there is a framework for a political agreement on the programme review. Asked on reports that the World Bank will not finance a 3 billion euro programme on combating unemployment, he said that the government is seeking ways to reduce unemployment.

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