No additional measures in 2018 draft budget, says Chouliarakis

There will be no additional measures added in the 2018 draft budget as it makes its way through parliament, Alternate Finance Minister George Chouliarakis told lawmakers on Wednesday, as debate started in the parliament’s finance committee.

No additional measures in 2018 draft budget, says Chouliarakis

The minister said that after the completion of the third review, Greece will enter in January 2018 in the last stretch of its adjustment program.

"It is my personal assessment that the adjustment program will essentially be completed in January 2018. The prior actions that will be left for the winter and spring of 2018 -with the last review on May-June 2018- are prior actions for the implementation of measures that have already been legislated, and they are few. Therefore, the program is essentially completed with the completion of the third review. Not formally, but in essence," he said.

The final draft will be submitted at the plenum on Nov. 21.

Source: amna-mpa

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