Φωτογραφίες γάμου που θα ήθελαν σίγουρα να ξεχάσουν (pics)

Συνήθως στους γάμους θέλουμε να θυμόμαστε κάθε στιγμή, ειδικά το ζευγάρι...

Φωτογραφίες γάμου που θα ήθελαν σίγουρα να ξεχάσουν (pics)

Υπάρχουν όμως και μερικά... απρόοπτα τα οποία απαθανάτισε ο φακός και θα ήθελαν σίγουρα να ξεχάσουν!

Δείτε μερικές από τις χειρότερες φωτογραφίες γάμου.

Blushing bride: A young lad gets an eyefull in this appalling wedding photograph
Get a room: Two rather unwelcome weeding guests share a passionate moment as the bride and groom arrive at their reception
No escape: A Bride drags her reluctant husband-to-be to the registry office
One too many? A jovial guest gets into the party spirit at the cake cutting
Pocket billiards: A best man makes a few adjustments to spoil a tender moment
A bare-bottomed reveller rides a statue of a horse in a fountain.. as you do
Grab: A groom shares a tender moment... but with his best man's wife
Call of nature: But wedding dresses are not designed with practicality in mind
Horror show: A creative decision to use a small amount of colour on this black and white photo backfires spectacularly
...and just in case you were considering going to Vegas for your wedding
Yee ha: She's smiling... but not, one would imagine, for long
Always the bridesmaid: But that's no reason to turn to drink
Brrrrrainless: I'm sure they'll look back and agree that a zombie-themed wedding was a brilliant idea
Did I? A groom wonders if he's made the right choice
Howling mad: A cheeky little dog gets comfortable on the wedding dress
Wardrobe malfunction: A bride puts her best assets on display
A man has money pinned to his jacket in this traditional ceremony, but it's not enough

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