Dangerous Antidepressant by the Israeli Teva!

Found to produce even suicidal tendencies, amongst other side-effects - Withdrawn at the States, is of the same genre that Troika wants to “feed” the Greek people

Dangerous Antidepressant by the Israeli Teva!

A huge issue hit the US Press, as it was proved that a generic anti-depressant of the Israeli pharmaceutical Teva produces very serious side-effects, causing even suicidal tendencies amongst other things.

The medicine that was immediately withdrawn by the Authorities is of the same genre that the troika is de facto promoting, by insisting on passing a new prescription system in Greece, based only on the drastic substance, without any mention of a branded medicine and focusing only on the lowest price, totally disregarding the quality elements.

The specific Teva antidepressant was in fact a "spoiled copy" of the original medicine and proved to cause stress, insomnia, headaches and even tendency for suicide! More specifically, Teva neglected to include in its generic a membrane that slows down the release of the medicine into the human body (this is included in the original), resulting for the patients who preferred the cheaper, anonymous generic of the Israeli company to be found exposed to overdose!

The most influential media (Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Business Week, ABC News etc) are on the case, causing international upset and –at the same time- proving that the troika is about to bring disaster upon Greece, as they want to change the prescription system, flooding the market with anonymous generics such as the Teva one, causing all these side-effects in the States.

Teva is a pharmaceutical giant leader in the very cheap anonymous generics produced in India, Puerto Rico, China, Israel, etc. However, Teva is a company with history. The American Food and Drugs Association (FDA) has often sent out warning letters to Teva after the organization’s inspections in company’s production plants worldwide. Black particles, insufficient hygienic conditions, infections and problems in the production system are –amongst other serious production defects- noted by FDA in these letters!

These findings need to alert Greek authorities as this kind of medicine will flood the Greek market if the new prescription system imposed by the troika is to be implemented. Greek authorities need to act now, as this situation is already true for Greek hospitals, where the new prescription system based solely on the drastic substance is already active and Teva is already wining contracts to provide its cheap medicine. Yes, the very company that has been warned several times from the FDA for unacceptable quality conditions in its production facilities is already providing medicine for Greek hospitals!

What’s more, if the quality issue is totally lifted in Greece, like the troika insists, and the only criterion is the cheap price, Greek people will be fed only medicine produced in the Third World Countries, under controversial quality procedures. It is striking that, nevertheless, the troika insists on the irrational prescription system, disregarding the objections of all parties involved (doctors, pharmacists and the ministry)! Since a dangerous anti-depressant such as the Teva one was freely circulating in a strict market like the US one, imagine what can happen in Greece with the under-staffed controlling authorities…

As if this wasn’t enough, since the only criterion in choosing medicine will be the cheapest price, Greek pharmaceutical industry –adopting all the high quality production standards- will not be able to compete with the anonymous generics produced in the Third World. Thus, the Greek industry will have to close down, leaving 20,000 people out of work.

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