
Adonis Georgiadis

Students confronted Adonis Georgiadis in London (video)

Students confronted Adonis Georgiadis in London (video)

ENGLISH NEWS · 17.03.2014 - 16:35
Adonis Gerogiadis' speech at Imperial College in London was unpredictable.
Pressure to reach consumption of generic to 60%

Pressure to reach consumption of generic to 60%

ENGLISH NEWS · 08.03.2014 - 17:00
All the arguments supposed to be in favor of the Greek people's welfare concerning health and pharmaceutical policy are not present, during the interviews of…
The reform of A. Georgiadis, «wrecks»!

The reform of A. Georgiadis, «wrecks»!

ENGLISH NEWS · 01.03.2014 - 12:23
EOPYY doctors turn their backs to PEDY and to the minister’s of health reform according to the final results, where only 1 to 2, (46.40%)…
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