The reform of A. Georgiadis, «wrecks»!

EOPYY doctors turn their backs to PEDY and to the minister’s of health reform according to the final results, where only 1 to 2, (46.40%) preferred the new Primary Health Care body.In total, 2.319 doctors said yes to A. Georgiadis’s PEDY, 309 administrative employees (91.42%) and 2.355 health care employees (98.13%).
The reform of A. Georgiadis, «wrecks»!

The final results will be announced today by the ministry of health and the EOPYY administration.

PEDY seems to begin without the best of omen since more than half of the doctors have chosen to keep their private practices.

The big question that emerges now is how the health structures will be staffed and obviously the reasonable fear is that with this minor scientists’ attendance some health units will either merge or close. This will be known in 6 months, when the evaluation will be finished, stated yesterday the ministry of health from EKEPY where he had a meeting with the hospitals’ administrators.

Mr. Georgiadis spoke for new jobs proclamation which will make possible the recruitment of doctors in order to cover the needs of the primary as well as the secondary health care. “Peoples’ needs will be faced where the real gaps emerge. First with ancillary personnel with certain time employment contracts, in order to be quick and afterwards with a little bit of patience we will follow the regular procedures” he said.

For this reason, Mr. Georgiadis will meet today with the minister of administrative reform Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis in order to fasten the procedures of recruitment.
Reading behind the lines though, it is obvious that the reform of health and especially Mr. Georgiadi’s Primary Health Care it is already sinking before it really begins its virgin trip while there is severe questioning whether the multiple-clinics can open again at 20th of March.

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