Charitsis accuses Mitsotakis of taking measures that don't help the middle class

SYRIZA's spokesperson Alexis Charitsis, in an interview with OPEN TV on Monday, accused the government of taking measures that "are not for the middle class".

Charitsis accuses Mitsotakis of taking measures that don't help the middle class

He explained that measures such as the solidarity contribution and ENFIA reduction, voted by SYRIZA, are not being implemented by Mitsotakis.

"SYRIZA and Alexis Tsipras outlined the policy that we will follow over the next period, as well as the social strata they want to represent," he said.

"Greece's economic situation improved over the last four years, during the SYRIZA governance, chiefly based on the sacrifices of the Greek citizens," Charitsis underlined and added: "We did not underestimate the Greek people, we did not lie. Our efforts also included painful measures. But after immediately upon exiting the memoranda, we announced a comprehensive package of measures in September 2018 that was implemented in full."

Source: ana-mpa

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