Broad crisis of confidence, credibility in government & science, says Tsipras

Supporting the national health system is only one of the many substantial moves that must be made duyring the country's current difficult predicament, said SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Alexis Tsipras on Friday.

Broad crisis of confidence, credibility in government & science, says Tsipras

Speaking at the city of Igoumenitsa in northwestern Greece, where he met with representatives of production bodies and regional officials, the main opposition party leader said "Greece's national health system is under collapse, amidst a broad crisis of confidence and credibility in government and science."

Tsipras noted that Greece has the most expensive wholesale prices in electricity in Europe, and he added that price hikes in power bills for the average household can reach up to 500 euros, while "food sector and restaurant professionals in the city of Ioannina have mentioned hikes of up to 2,500 euros."

Support measures must continue into the new year ahead, he noted, as "axing these benefits as of January 1 is socially catastrophic," he noted, mentioning the new state budget.

Concerning the government's coronavirus vaccination campaign, Tsipras spoke of its "resounding failure to convince citizens of the benefits of inoculation," with only just over 60 pct of the country having been vaccinated, compared to Portugal's over 90 pct, he added.

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