SYRIZA-PA leader Kasselakis visits Larisa, meets relatives of Tempi train crash victims

Main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis visited Larisa on Sunday and had a meeting with the families of Tempi train crash victims to hear their concerns. After expressing his condolences, Kasselakis said he was "outraged and incensed by the cover-up that appears to be taking place before our eyes."

SYRIZA-PA leader Kasselakis visits Larisa, meets relatives of Tempi train crash victims

He promised that SYRIZA-PA will do everything in its power to ensure "full justice for you" and, talking about the accident, he said that "a crime has been committed in Tempi when we see two trains crashing due to an indisputably human factor."

"Our party had raised questions in Parliament prior to the crime concerning safety on the railroads, receiving the sarcasm of the relevant minister in response. A minister who then resigned to make things easier for his boss and then had the gall to run for election again, evidently in order to preserve his immunity [from prosecution]," Kasselakis told the victims' families.

He then had a meeting with the new Thessaly governor Dimitris Kouretas.

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