Defence Minister Dendias marks Armed Forces Day

November 11 should be declared Armed Forces Veterans Day, said National Defence Minister Nikos Dendias, who stood in for Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the government during events marking Armed Forces Day on Tuesday.

Defence Minister Dendias marks Armed Forces Day

This is "the least we can do to show our gratitude for those who did their duty for the country", he noted.

In a statement, Dendias also pointed out that Greece's armed forces "secure our national interests, the independence of our homeland, our sovereignty and sovereign rights, in every part of our national space, even in the most remote single-rock islet."

At an event held in the Armed Forces Officers' Club (LAED) Dendias met briefly with President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou, Parliament President Constantine Tassoulas, party leaders and military officials.

Earlier in the day, the minister attended a liturgy at the Athens Metropolis, as November 21 also happens to be the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, celebrated by the Othodox church. After the liturgy, Dendias attended a wreath laying by President Sakellaropoulou at the Unknown Soldier memorial.

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