Androulakis: With a strong PASOK, ND will not play without an opponent in the field

The strategic aim of PASOK-Movement for Change (KINAL) is "to defeat New Democracy in the next national elections and with that put an end to the logic of conservatives that there is no alternative action plan," party leader Nikos Androulakis said on Sunday.

Androulakis: With a strong PASOK, ND will not play without an opponent in the field

With PASOK-KINAL strong, "New Democracy will not play in the field without an opponent," he added, underlining that the party promotes a responsible progressive front and specific proposals. He added, "I am optimistic for another reason too - because it is worth it that Greek citizens support our proposal, a proposal of progressive forces in Europe, for policies of convergence, courageous policies of green transition against the climate crisis, and unified tools of security and common foreign policy against third coutnries - before conservatism, which seeks a Europe driven by the powerful and promoting only their own short-sighted priorities, undermining the European dream."

PASOK will not compete with others, or join high-level collaborations and temporary leaders. "At the end of the day, we will be judged by all citizens," he stressed, while the party he said already includes renewal left members and political ecology members along with citizen movements, which prove it is open to dialog to face clientelistic practices.

In terms of Turkiye, he said Greece should have a new long-term strategy that sets strict terms and recognizes progress in it. In terms of Turkiye's request to upgrade the EU-Turkiye customs relationship, the EU should incorporate sanctions that are activated when International Law or human rights are violated in Turkiye. It is also unacceptable that European countries continue to supply the neighboring country with arms while it continues provocations, Androulakis said, insisting on an arms embargo.

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